Fall 2017 Travelore
P. 1

Fall 2017
DRVC Travelore - Page 1
Issue 39
Amish Country Connection
continued on page 5
At right: Several participants enjoyed the pre-rally snack time in the shade of a large oak tree at the campground.
Below: On Independence Day, July 4, the campground hosted in which anyone with a decorated cart, bike, or wagon could participate. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited at the start of the parade. See page eight for other photos and story.
Official publication of the Diesel RV Club
July Rally in Bremen
Forty-seven members of Diesel RV Club from 16 states (comprising 25 registrations) gathered for the summer rally at Pla-Mor Campground near Bremen, Indiana.
Food, as usual, was in ample supply beginning with the pot luck on Sunday evening and continuing with the catered meals from Das Dutchman Essenhaus of Middlebury Famous for their pies, of course, we had to try some. Several reg- istrants found time to enjoy the timed event of nine–piece
puzzles and Bean Bag Baseball. With a score of 34 to 33,
there really weren’t any losers, just first and second place

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