Page 1 - Summer 2019 Travelore
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 Summer 2019
        DRVC Travelore -
Page 1
 Issue 46
                                           Official publication of the Diesel RV Club
Welcome, New FMCA Members
Just like FMCA, the Diesel RV Club is a member-owned organization. And, our regular dues-paying members decided to invest in the future of the Chapter by allowing new FMCA Members a one-time offer to receive a one-year free member- ship. The reasoning is just this simple. We believe that new FMCA members are seeking experiences and information that both enhance the enjoyment of RVing. That’s what our Chapter is about – making folks comfortable with their RV through fellowship and education.
  If you are a new member and are enjoying your free mem- bership, we offer a few suggestions intended to enable you to get the most from us while enjoying this first year. Accordingly,
• Plan to join in the fun and educational offerings at one of our rallies.
• Check out our Technical forum that features also 5,000 posts and provides money saving and problem- solving information – you don’t have to be a geek
– our goal is to inform you about what is needed not how to do the job.
• Take advantage of our Valued Partner Network – you’ll find information about them in this issue of Travelore.
• Speaking of Travelore, you can gain access to current and past issues on the Club’s website.
• Finally, get acquainted with the website and social media links as those sources provide information about individual members, upcoming rallies and Chapter activities as well as a way to communicate with members.
Finally, we ask you to let us know what we can do to improve your new member experience. Ours is a volunteer organization. We are always open to suggestions and to those offering to help with Chapter operations.
Thank you for joining.
Your Diesel RV Club Board of Directors
   Help Wanted: Administrator for the DRVC Technical Forum
The Diesel RV Club uses Simple Machine Forum, an open software application, to host the forum; our
site for posting technical questions, receiving answers, and searching for suggestions or resolutions to issues. As is the case will all web-based applications,
maintenance and changes are required. No knowledge of web languages is required, however. We are in need of an administrator with forum
management experience. The is a non-officer, volunteer position and duties are shared with other members. The person we are seeking would take on the primary role for dealing with spam (ban the abuser for life), locking topics and deleting malicious posts, etc. For more information or if interested in the position, please contact Ken Car- penter at

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