Page 7 - Winter 2018 Travelore Issue 44
P. 7

DRVC Travelore - Page 7
on the water by the unit are lost (based on my reading of some of the studies).
three to six months. The shorter timeframe is for heavy use of the RV and the longer timeframe, for you own health, is an optimum. However, keep in mind the fact
The International Asso- ciation of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) is working with the National Sanita-
tion Foundation (NSF) to develop a standard to measure the efficacy of magnetic and electronic “softeners”.
To wrap up, I believe that
everyone needs to have at
least two filters in-line on
their water system. I believe
in having separate sedi-
ment and carbon block cartridges with different micron specifications.
If you really only want to use the inexpensive, in-line com- bination units, I suggest that you change them out every
Magnetic Fields ABS Housing
that I don’t recommend them because they are, by comparison, inferior on many levels.
I high recommend a salt- based water softener but
it is not required. Softness of water will depend on the area in which you gener- ally travel. Keep in mind that the softer the water, the less soap has to be used to be effective for general cleanliness.
Water and Salt Molecules
Polarized Molecules Suspended Molecules
Ceramic Ferrite Magnets
I don’t recommend the electronic systems at this time. I also steer away from the
salt-less units because, at this point, have not been shown to be effective. The choice is yours but I know which works well for me and will also work well for you.
Take advantage of the opportunity to get acquainted with other like-minded folks and champion the benefits of Diesel RV Club membership.Your DRVC chapter
has booked a table for the FMCA Chapter Fair, 10:45
a.m. on Wednesday, March 13, in Reaves Arena. Members
are invited to join
us and help share the joy of a belong-
ing to DRVC.
MAR 13-16, 2019

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