Page 6 - Spring 2019 Travelore
P. 6

Page 6 - DRVC Travelore
RV Expo and Family Reunion Report
At the 99th RV Expo & Family Reunion in Perry, FMCA programmed for and encourage chapters to have a Block Party. This was the first time for such an event which was met with great success. FMCA also set aside time for the Chapter Fair. These occassions allowed chapters to engage in promotional activities so attendees could become familiar with the various clubs that help support FMCA’s mission. (See related photo above)
At the International Area (INTO) rally held prior to the FMCA convention in Perry, Diesel RV Club received the certificate pic- tured at left. On hand to receive the recognition was DRVC’s president, Rod Kenly. Signing the certificate are Jon Walker (National President) and George R. Schremp, III (Area VP).
FMCA has nearly 400 active chapters divided into 10 areas; nine are geographically oriented plus the International Area. INTO is composed of chapters focused on a special or technical interest rather than geography. For instance, those clubs that are brand-based an include members from across the country operate in the international arena of FMCA.
Block Party Panorama —
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The first evening, mother nature provided an adrenalin rush as the weather apps on our phones warned of torna- dic weather nearby. Our KOA hosts responded quickly that evening to bring lanterns during a power outage. The hosts were wonderful to work with, accommodating and even put on a campfire with hot wings during happy hour on our free day. Free day activities included bean bag baseball,

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